St Ambrose School provides a quality catholic education for all in a safe and secure environment.
At Saint Ambrose we value individuals and develop the whole child based around the Gospel values of self-worth, respect, love and service. We aspire to provide our children with ideas and dreams, with a vision of what they want to achieve with a love of life and a zest for living.
We provide a challenging, engaging and creative curriculum that is based on developing the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding to prepare the children for life in school and beyond.
Our curriculum is designed to build on prior knowledge each year and enable the children to explore subjects through Enquiry- based learning. This approach gives our children the opportunity to develop their confidence, self-esteem and resilience when faced with challenge. We celebrate all children's success no matter how small and encourage them to learn from their failures.
Ofsted March 2018
The school’s curriculum is broad and balanced. Leaders have developed a vision for pupils to be ‘prepared for life in school and beyond’, based around Christian values, self-worth, respect, love and service. The curriculum supports pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development well through their daily learning experiences and contributes effectively to the good progress pupils make.
Throughout our school considerable emphasis is placed upon the individual child - spiritually, academically, morally and socially. This child centred approach to learning forms the core of our curriculum, attitudes and internal organisation.
The school satisfies the requirements of the National Curriculum in all aspects. The core subjects are Mathematics, English and Science together with Religious Education and PHSE.
Considerable emphasis is placed on Reading and Maths throughout the school. History, Geography, Physical Education, Music Art, French (KS2 ), Computing and Design Technology give a broad and balanced education.