Rostrevor Road, Stockport, Cheshire, SK3 8LQ
0161 480 8466

Latest Newsletters

  • 7th September
  • Please click here to view the welcome letter from Mr Glynn


  • 22nd July
  • End of Mr Glynn's first year and staff leavers
  • Year 6 leavers
  • Term time absence
  • Uniform
  • 15th July
  • Gulliver's Kingdom ticket raffle
  • School disco & Year 6 play tickets
  • Toast money - next year
  • Job vacancies
  • Uniform
  • 8th July
  • New teachers for September
  • Gulliver's Kingdom ticket raffle
  • School disco & Year 6 play tickets
  • Toast money - next year
  • 1st July
  • Year 6 transition
  • Gulliver's Kingdom ticket raffle
  • School disco & Year 6 play tickets
  • Toast money - next year
  • 24th June
  • First Holy Communion party - Monday 1st July
  • Sports Day
  • Freddie Fit
  • 17th June
  • First Holy Communion - Sunday 16th June
  • Our School Values - Respect
  • Sports Day
  • 10th June
  • First Holy Communion - Sunday 16th June
  • Stockport County - year 6
  • Faith in Action - Lent fundraising
  • 20th May
  • May is the month of Mary - Crowning of Our Lady 2:45pm
  • Uniform collection
  • Y5/6 football tournament
  • 14th May
  • May is the month of Mary
  • Term dates
  • Toast
  • Year 6 SATS
  • 7th May
  • May is the month of Mary
  • Term dates & term time holidays
  • Year 6 SATS
  • Toast money
  • 29th April
  • Leavers' hoodies
  • Assessments
  • Mrs Knight
  • 22nd April
  • After school clubs
  • Leavers' hoodies
  • Attendance


  • 25th March
  • Parent Governor vacancy
  • LENT fundraising 
  • Freddy Fit
  • 4th March
  • LENT fundraising 
  • Parents evening
  • Attendance
  • 18th March
  • First Forgiveness
  • LENT fundraising 
  • Freddy Fit
  • 26th February
  • LENT fundraising 
  • Class assemblies and Mass at Church
  • Parents evening
  • 11th March
  • Catholic School Inspection Report
  • LENT fundraising 
  • Parents evening
  • 20th February
  • LENT fundraising 
  • Class assemblies and Mass at Church
  • Attendance
  • 5th February
  • LENT fundraising 
  • Parents' evening
  • Stockport County Assembly

  • 29th January
  • CAFOD workshops
  • LENT fundraising 
  • Toast money
  • 22nd January
  • Reading books
  • LENT fundraising 
  • CAFOD workshops


  • 11th December
  • Christmas Jumper Day & Christmas Dinner - Wednesday 13th December
  • Nativity & Christmas Disco tickets on sale
  • 4th December
  • Feast of St Ambrose - Thursday 7th December
  • Christmas Jumper Day & Christmas Dinner - Wednesday 13th December
  • 27th November
  • Feast of St Ambrose - Thursday 7th December
  • Christmas Jumper Day & Christmas Dinner - Wednesday 13th December
  • 20th November
  • Reception stay & play - Thursday 21st November 2pm
  • Feast of St Ambrose - Thursday 7th December
  • 13th November
  • Parents Evening - Wednesday 15th November 3:45pm
  • Reception stay & play - Thursday 21st November 2pm


  • 6th November
  • Reception stay & play - Thursday 9th November 10am
  • 30th October
  • Sacramental programme and Early years open day for prospective parents.


Please see the attached letter that was sent home with Year 6 children today.
