SEND Information Report
We at St Ambrose School will grow in the love and service of Jesus and fulfil our potential within a community where everyone is valued.
We strive to provide a fully inclusive education, driven by high expectations, irrespective of race, gender, disability or social status. This is delivered through quality first teaching and a wealth of knowledge and interventions to support our children to succeed. We take the time to really get to know and understand the children in our care and where needed, deliver a tailored curriculum for the children with the most individual needs.
Our children are encouraged to be self-motivated and to be resilient learners who take responsibility for the choices they make. We believe that this is a joint responsibility through a partnership with parents, staff and professionals. All parents play an essential and valuable part in their children’s education and we encourage their support.
The progress of all children is monitored closely by class teachers, the SENDCo and senior leaders. Children who are not making expected progress are quickly identified and are given support through quality first teaching and interventions to enable them to catch up in line with Stockport’s Entitlement Framework. If a child continues to work below their year group expectations or makes little progress, despite support given, they may be identified as having Special Educational Needs. See our SEND identification process in our easy to follow flow chart by clicking here.
So that information is easily accessed and user friendly, we have structured the information around how we support children with Special Education Needs or Disabilities through a set of frequently asked questions.
Your questions answered:
If you have any concerns regarding special educational needs, please speak to your child’s class teacher as a first port of call. Further support can then be sought from Mrs Knight, the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator).
Appointments can be made by contacting the school office on 0161 480 8466.
SEN and Disability
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) local offer
Stockport’s local offer website has lots of advice and information about services which can support children and young people from birth to 25 years old. This is part of a legal requirement to promote the help and support available to parents with their children’s health, education and social care needs. Just click on the link above and it will take you to the website.
Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy 2020
SEND Stockport MBC
See below to view a letter from Ofsted regarding the SEND re-inspection of Stockport MBC.