Personal, Social and Health Education

The Personal, Social and Health Education is linked closely with the Religious Education Curriculum through the ‘In the Beginning’ scheme of work. Personal, Social and Health Education deals with matters related to personal dignity and the correct use of the body, mind and spirit. It also deals with issues such as personal sexuality, anger, frustration, drug abuse, failure and success.

The teaching of Personal, Social and Health Education at St. Ambrose has at its core the development in each child of a gradual understanding and healthy appreciation of self growth, relationships with others, marriage and family life.

Certain aspects of health and sex education are a requirement of the National Curriculum. The latter is given in a Christian context of loving and caring relationships built on respect for one another. The part that the school plays in this respect is not intended to replace the part played by parents. Thus, we have a complementary role to play, but the prime responsibility for sex education lies in the home.

Education for Citizenship is an important area of the curriculum and work is ongoing to make this an integral part of the Personal, Social and Health Education.

We also use teach British Values through the provision of SMSC using The Way, The Truth and The Life series and Teaching Other Faiths in a Catholic School.

Parent Info

The government has launched a new online tool for schools across the country to give parents the best possible advice and tips on preparing their children for adult life.

The new online service, called Parent Info, will give parents the information they need to help them navigate the minefield of issues children can now face on everything from spotting the warning signs of self-harm, to having a healthy body image and managing money in a digital world. As well as giving them the confidence and support to speak to their children on such sensitive issues, it will also provide them with pathways for where they can go for more hands on support on specific issues

As well as giving them the confidence and support to speak to their children on such sensitive issues, it will also provide them with pathways for where they can go for more hands on support on specific issues.

Safeguarding - Child Sexual Exploitation

As you may have seen in the media, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) has recently warned of a concerning increase in sexual offending on the internet involving webcams.

CEOP have investigated a number of cases in which offenders have used webcams to abuse children. To help raise awareness CEOP have put together factsheets and resources for parents, professionals and young people. For more information please see related link below, CEOP Thinkuknow website.

Share Aware is a campaign developed by the NSPCC for parents of children aged 8-12 years. For further information please see related link below.

CEOP Thinkuknow website

NSPCC Website

NSPCC - A Parents' Guide to Being Share Aware

This guide will help to reassure you, and give you the information and advice you’ll need to keep your child safe online. The internet’s an amazing place, so we want to help your child to get the most out of it, and to do that safely.This leaflet helps your child think about who sees what they share, and compare it to what they would be happy to share offline.

The NSPCC have also produced an information leaflet giving guidance for schools.

Each section includes up to date, relevant, age appropriate and helpful information,

key statistics and downloadable posters and information leaflets.