The School day starts at 8:55am and finishes at 3:30pm.
Break times are as follows: 10:35 - 10:50AM
Reception & KS1 2:30 - 2:45PM
Lunchtimes are as follows:
Reception 12:15 - 1:15PM
KS1 12:20 - 1:15PM
KS2 12:20 - 1:15PM
Supporting your child at home
Tips and strategies to help parents support their child at the end of the school day
Resources for Families
Visit the site below for lots of ideas to help you as a family such as mental health issues, fighting siblings etc
Attention all Nursery Parents! 30 hours childcare for working parents.
St Ambrose offer 30 hours free childcare for those children whose parents are eligible to claim. Please visit www.childcarechoices.gov.uk for more details. 30 hours funded childcare is intended to support working parents with the cost of childcare. It will enable them, where they wish, to return to work or to work additional hours.
In the event that you are not eligible to claim the 30 hours free childcare, you will still receive 15 hours of free childcare which will be in the form of 5 mornings per week from 8:45am till 11:45pm. St Ambrose also offers a “top up” facility where your child can stay until 3.30pm and the charge for this will be £10 per afternoon session.
Please find below some information about Stockport Credit Union.
Money advice and ethical alternatives
Stockport homes advice:
Stockport Integrated Wellness - ABL Health's Family and Childrens Healthy Weight Service
ABL are funded through Stockport Council to support children and their families to improve their lifestyles.
"It has become more difficult for us to reach families and offer support over the last year, when we know that they are in need of it more than ever. We have a variety of sessions to offer over zoom and we are returning to face to face this month."
Click here for an information flyer
HAF (Holiday, Activities and Food) scheme
About the HAF scheme
The HAF scheme will offer fun and food over Summer, Easter and Christmas holidays.
The provision will be face to face 16 hours per child offered over 4 week period of summer holidays.
Child can attend for just 1 week if desired
A meal will be offered along with and activities
(various provisions to choose from – sports, dance, music, social, outreach work)
Promotion of healthy lifestyles along with support on hand if families need signposting to other services.
If a child fits criteria under the new HAF (Holiday, Activities and Food) scheme, they will be able to attend activities free of charge.
Criteria - they need to be eligible and registered for FSM. Other children will be considered if it is felt that the family are in need of the support due to other reasons such as financial hardship, living in temp accommodation. Or if a child is LAC, SEN, disengaged, isolated, struggles with positive friendship groups or have health needs.
Please see the below fliers for local Holiday clubs.